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Whether your mission is next door or on the other side of the world, there is always a cost.  As a non-profit ministry, we at TUTC have no paid staff.  Our goal is to use the smallest percentage possible of donated funds to run the ministry.  The majority of your gifts go directly to those in need in South Asia!

Good Samaritian Christian Missionary Sch

Jesus said in Matthew 9:38, "So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.” 

Even if you cannot give or go, you can always pray!  Our ministry is sustained by the prayers of our supporters.  Please pray for us!

You can be a missionary without having to get on an airplane and travel thousands of miles! 


GO have a neighborhood bake sale!

GO participate in a local fundraiser!

GO tells your friends about TUTC!






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